Sunday, September 13, 2020

Kota cantik Alexandria

    Jika kalian sempat pergi ke Mesir, jangan lupa untuk mengunjungi kota ini. Alexandria merupakan kota dengan garis pantai yang panjang, sehingga tidak heran bahwa kota terbesar kedua di utara Mesir ini merupakan kota pelabuhan Mediterania.

Alexandria, Mesir (Sumber: Dokumen Pribadi)

    Saya yang baru pertama kali menjejakkan kaki di Alexandria sangat kagum dengan kota yang cantik ini. Kota modern dengan percampuran budaya serta peninggalan sejarah yang terdapat di kota ini membuat saya berkata pada diri sendiri, bahwa jika saya punya kesempatan untuk kembali ke Mesir, Alexandria merupakan kota yang harus saya kunjungi.

Alexandria, Mesir (Sumber: Dokumen Pribadi)

    Menurut saya pribadi, Alexandria sebagai kota yang modern terlihat tidak begitu strict terhadap peranan gender yang kental seperti di wilayah-wilayah Mesir yang saya sempat kunjungi. Biasanya, perempuan dilarang untuk menikmati shisha di dalam kedai shisha itu sendiri karena dianggap sebagai 'aib atau sesuatu yang memalukan dan tidak pantas untuk dilakukan bagi perempuan. Akan tetapi, di Alexandria saya menemukan beberapa perempuan sedang asyik hang out di dalam kedai shisha.    

    Alexandria yang cantik, tidak hanya membuat saya terpukau dan ingin kembali mengitari kota pesisir pantai ini. Perpustakaan yang sangat mahsyur dan besar di kota Alexandria juga membuat saya jatuh cinta. The Bibliotheca Alexandria dengan arsitektur yang indah menjadi salah satu tempat yang saya dan temen-teman kunjungi. Fyi, saya sangat menyukai vibe yang berada pada semua perpustakaan, membuat saya lebih tenang dan fokus duduk berlama-lama sambil membaca buku. Perpustakaan ini dibuka untuk umum dengan tarif tertentu. Di dalam perpustakaan juga tidak hanya terdapat rak-rak buku dan meja, tetapi juga terdapat toko merchandise, dan koleksi pameran.

    Kota Kairo memang kota pertama di Mesir, dan Alexandria merupakan yang kedua. Akan tetapi, jika kalian ingin menikmati suasana yang lebih chill dari pusat kota, kalian bisa mengunjungi Alexandria.


Friday, September 6, 2019

My Analog Camera Story #1

Hello Hadirin wal Hadirot!

    I know it's a digital era nowadays but since it's too much digitalism, I found being more analog is fun and kinda have that nostalgic vibe. So, I decided to buy some analog cameras to feel those fun on my own. The differences are obvious, with digital it's easier to take and check the result of your pictures BUT with analog, since it's not as easy as the digital, I appreciate every picture that I took. It takes time to finally able to see the result because you have to wait until you use all of your films, approximately you can take 36 photos in one roll. Though the result can't always be 36. unless you're like RICH rich tho and you just want to develop your pictures right after you had your photoshoot session or whatever. Well, it also takes time to develop the film roll, some places able to develop film fastly but it depends on how much money do you want to spend on it, right? but it usually takes 3 days for me to wait for my film to be developed in Central, Jl. Solo, Yogyakarta. I heard they can develop films for like just a day in a place called Labrana, Jakarta. but IDK for sure cause I haven't tried it yet.

  Since I'm a newbie in photography, I decided to buy point and shoot cameras. It's easy and it's cheaper. I bought Fujica M1 (full set with the box and stuff but not the flash) for Rp.550.000 on @morninggiantshop's Instagram. Shipping fee included from Jakarta to Yogyakarta. I bought it in 2017 when Fujica M1 was quite a thing after Olympus Mju II for point and shoot camera.

The Fujica M1

The picture I took using FujicaM1 with Kodak color plus200 film
Picture I took using FujicaM1 with Kodak, it can do double exposure with a trick

Another photo

I tried to shoot indoor without flash but it is what it is


Monday, August 14, 2017

101 how I get rid of my acne (almost)

Hello Hadirin wal Hadirot !
just like the title says, I wanna inform you guys how I get rid almost all of my acne, well yeah "almost all of 'em" because it'll pop up again whenever I'm having my period, it's hormonal acne okay, not because I can't take care of my face, duh.

fyi my skin type is kinda oily. When i was dumb, careless, young, and broke (I am still broke tho) I don't have any idea that face toner, serum, essence, spf moisturizer, acne spot care, exfoliator, sheet mask, mud mask or whateva, are able to change my life, I mean, come on! if I could compare my 2015 face with my now face uhmmm I'd be like "Now I know why yall scared of me"

my skin care journey is full of trial and error, I once thought that maybe it's because I bought the cheap product but N. O. P. E. 
to finally find a perfect fit skin care for your skin is like graduating from college, you can't give up until you graduate but when you are finally graduated you'll have other needs to achieve. you know what I mean? there's no such thing as a perfect fit skin care !1!111!!! I mean there is, if you know your skin type BUT it's never permanently fit for your skin (at least for me). my last year skin care is not the same as my current, so. yeah.

so, without further bacot. I'll show y'all the products I currently use as my skin care routine.

1st thing first.
yup, it's cheap and I bought it at Mirota Kampus Jogja.
I bought this one cuz obviously it's for acne skin type and MOST IMPORTANTLY, IT  FUDGIN CONTAINS TEA TREE OIL

Everyone who lives in Indonesia knows that this one is cheap, moreover the small one.
How I apply this toner/facial lotion ?
1st. I pour a bit of the toner onto my bare hand (remember! hand not hands)
2nd. I pat it all over ma face until it absorbs into ma skin

I know, it's the most expensive shiz compare to all, but trust me, it's worth the price fyi my face feels smoother after I apply this. can you see it? it's Anti-imperfection daily solution y'all. it is what it is. haha it's more like a serum so yeah 

Meet my holy grail y'all I'm a proud broke ass beauty guru. This is the smallest size of Olay white radiance intensive whitening lotion with spf 24. I'm not really trying to add more brightness to my face tho but so far it doesn't "whitened" my face like cabe-cabean so it's good and it's moisturize my face so well, everytime I look into the mirror, I'd be like "I don't know if this is my face or a baby a$$". 

It's a spot care for my loyal acne/pimple/zit, actually it's not like the best product. I've used the best spot acne care but I forgot the name, all I can remember is I did buy it at the pharmacy. I use this one just because it's still "usable??" (able to use) and I can't waste my money to buy another one while this one is still available. REMEMBER I AM A PROUD BROKE A$$ BEAUTY GURU Y'ALL (jk I'm not a beauty guru lol)
I know, I should've posted my before and after photos if I want to look like a real beauty guru but I'm still trying to boost my confident so yeah boo NOT NOW. I DON'T THINK SO. all you can use are TRUST and FAITH and IMAGINATION that those products do work for my face. BUT THOSE PRODUCTS  REALLY WORK FOR ME THO. whteva

and these are other products that I use every once a week, cus I am a greedy human and I want it all                                            *sharpay evans' song I want it all playing*

excuse me ma'am, pardon my greasy laptop, it hasn't figured out about skin care like y'all.

(it's mustika ratu krem masker bengkoang and I hope it really lightens spot on my skin just bcz I need it)

I don't really use full make up for daily basis, not even bb/cc cream (I used to, but not anymore because my skin feels better without 'em). It's just a very tiny bit of make up before I go to college such as 1. eye brow pencil and 2. lipstick and 3. Air wudhu agar muka menjadi lebih cerah

yup, that's it for my debut as a broke a$$ beauty guru.